It is not easy to collect used Durkopp 557 eyelet buttonhole machine
this model durkopp 557 keyhole buttonhole machine, more than 30 years old
but still good working condition, durkopp 557 eyelet buttonhole machine is coming less and less quantity in the market
we are very surprise that old durkopp 557 price is similar as Chinese new machine eyelet buttonhole
- China manufacturing technique should be improved
- China Brand name should be stronger
- Many countries are still in developing,they prefer to use mechanical,they do not use computerized sewing machines
- The world need to Promote Circular Economy
Anyhow, we collected some used Durkopp 557 eyelet buttonhole machines

durkopp 557 button hole used sewing machine (1)

durkopp 557 button hole used sewing machine (1)

durkopp 557 button hole used sewing machine (1)

durkopp 557 button hole used sewing machine (1)

durkopp 557 button hole used sewing machine (1)

durkopp 557 button hole used sewing machine (1)